Quirk Law Firm, LLP Believes In Kids!
Kid-Ade was started in 2014 by Aletheia Gooden, Esq. and Trevor Quirk, Esq. of Quirk Law Firm, LLP. 100% of Kid-Ade’s funds are used to help kids in need. Some examples of things Kid-Ade provides are:
- backpacks
- school supplies
- clothing
- shoes
- sport scholarships
- school field-trip costs
- classroom supplies
- holiday meals and gifts
- school computer lab fees
- school gym clothes fees, etc.
Kid-Ade connects with public school principals, office staff, and teachers to make sure kids are taken care of. Kid-Ade currently services every public school in Ojai, California. Its long term goal is to provide funds for kids in need in every public school in Ventura County. To date, Kid-Ade has donated over 52 “fully loaded” brand-new backpacks. One girl in Kindergarten who received one of these backpacks was so excited and proud of her backpack that when it was time to line up and go into her classroom, she remained outside standing next to her new backpack because she did not want to part with it! Kid-Ade is currently 100% funded by Quirk Law Firm LLP. If you would like to help with Kid-Ade, please contact Aletheia Gooden, Esq. at Quirk Law Firm LLP