Every personal injury case is different, some can settle very quickly while others may take years to complete. This often depends on the defendant you are dealing with. If you are dealing with an insurance company, they will often try to pay you as little as possible to resolve your claim and offer pennies on the dollar for what your case is actually worth. Other defendants, especially in defective product, dangerous drug and medical device cases, may need to go to trial to be settled. It is vitally important to work with a Los Angeles personal injury law firm that will not settle your case for less than it’s worth just to get a quick result. If a company is not dealing fairly with you, taking them to trial may be the only way to secure just compensation for the harm you have suffered. At Panish | Shea | Boyle | Ravipudi LLP, our trial lawyers have significant experience taking cases to trial against large companies and winning. We have secured over $1 billion for our clients in the last 10 years and set records along the way.